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Planning Board Minutes for the Meeting of Nov. 1, 2000
Minutes of the Meeting of
NOVEMBER 1, 2000

Members Present:        David Harris, Vice Chairman
                        Gerard LeBlanc, Clerk
                        Gordon Coyle, Member
                        Joan DiLillo, Member    

Members Absent:         Philip Lindquist, Chairman

Others Present: Town Planner Noreen O’Toole
                        Administrative Assistant Barbara Ferguson               

I.      CALL TO ORDER - 7:32 p.m.

        Regular Meeting of October 18, 2000

        Motion to approve the minutes of the Meeting of October 18, 2000:  Joan DiLillo
        Second: Gordon Coyle
        Vote: 4-0

        Rye Hill Estates Public Hearing of October 18, 2000

        Motion to approve the minutes of the Rye Hill Estates Public Hearing of October 18,     2000: Gordon Coyle
        Second: Joan DiLillo
        Vote: 4-0


        Master Plan Committee
        Town Planner Noreen O’Toole advised the Board that the last Master Plan Committee meeting was held on October 30.  Consultant Carol Thomas of Thomas Planning Associates met with the Committee and presented a tentative schedule for the completion of the remaining components.  The first will be Natural Resources and Open Space followed by Economic Development. The next meeting will be held in January.

        Hanson Trails Committee

        Ms. O’Toole said that no meetings of the Hanson Trails Committee are scheduled.
        OCPC Transportation Committee

        Ms. O’Toole said the Old Colony Planning Council Transportation Committee will meet on November 16 at 7 p.m. She said she has not received an agenda for the meeting.

        Vision 2020

        Ms. O’Toole reported that no member of the Board of Selectmen was present to sign the New Mayflower Compact on behalf of the town on October 25.  The signing was attended by Town Planner Noreen O’Toole and Administrative Assistant Barbara Ferguson who had their pictures in The Enterprise and The Patriot Ledger the following day.  Ms. O’Toole said it was announced at the signing that an additional $125,000 has been approved by the Legislature for the next phase of the project.

        Kopelman & Paige

        Ms. O’Toole said that the office had finally received a telephone call from Town Counsel in response to its August letter regarding an adequate access determination on Pine Street.  She said that the firm would be willing to make an attorney available for an in-person, in-depth discussion on adequate access, paper streets and related issues.  The Board suggested December 13, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectmen’s meeting room at Town Hall, and Ms.O’Toole said she would contact counsel to see if that date and time are acceptable.

        Roller Coaster Road

        Ms. O’Toole said that the next Roller Coaster Road Committee meeting has been scheduled for Nov. 29 at 7:30 p.m. which will conflict with a meeting of the Planning Board.  Chairman Philip Lindquist, she said, will have to leave that meeting for a public hearing at 8.  
        IV.     APPOINTMENTS

        Michael Richardson
        Informals on Lakeside Road & Liberty Street

        Michael Richardson of Crescent Realty in Hanover met informally with the Board to discuss a piece of property with several bogs off Lakeside Road and to determine if any lots could be subdivided from the parcel through the Form A process.  The Board said that any subdivision of the property would trigger an adequate access determination as Lakeside Road is not an accepted street.  To make the access adequate, the Board said, road improvements would be required.

        Mr. Richardson was then joined by Mark Ridder of Hanover for discussion on a parcel of land between Liberty and Winter Streets that Mr. Ridder is interested in developing into 100 duplex housing units for residents who are 55 years of age or older. Board members were previously provided with an outline prepared by Mr. Ridder’s attorney of a possible amendment of the town’s zoning bylaw to provide for elderly communities.  Mr. Ridder said his only other alternative would be a 35 to 40 lot subdivision on the 47-acre site.  He said he explored the possibility of developing the project through the Comprehensive Permit process, but the state does not allow age restrictions. Town Planner Noreen O’Toole said that the Zoning Bylaw Study Committee should be reactivated to consider a 55 years of age or older bylaw. The earliest a committee meeting could be scheduled, she said, is January.  

        Motion to refer the question of an amendment for age 55 and older housing to the        Zoning Bylaw Committee: Joan DiLillo
        Second:  Gordon Coyle
        Vote:  4-0
        Robert Junior
        Hill & Hawthorne Street

        The Board reviewed with Robert Junior of Marshfield a letter from its engineer Steven Wry of Land Planning, Inc. of Hanson dated November 1, 2000 outlining his recommendations for road improvements related to the proposed construction of four single family dwellings on Hill and Hawthorne Streets. The road improvements are being required by the Board to provide adequate access. In his letter, Mr. Wry recommended that the required 3:1 slopes be maintained wherever possible. Steeper slopes could be considered in areas where trees could be saved, Mr. Wry said, and one measure he suggested was the installation of a 12 inch by 3 inch bituminous berm. His other recommendations were that some form of surface treatment be provided for side slopes that do not meet the 3:1 requirement, and that the roadway surface be compacted prior to paving with a 10-ton vibratory roller.

        Mr. Junior said that he would like to change the 3:1 slope to a 2:1 slope on Hawthorne Street between stations 0+75 and 1+50 on the left hand side of the road, 2+50 and 3+50 on the left hand side of the road, and 3+50 and 4+0 on the right hand side of the road. The total length of the road is 900 feet, Mr. Junior said.  All of the trees in a 2:1 slope area would be cut, he said.  If the plans have to be changed to include a one foot berm on either side of the road, he said, it will be difficult to keep a 20 foot wide roadway within the layout without some regrading.  Board members told Mr. Junior that they would be unwilling to make any decisions on any variations of the original plan without consulting Mr. Wry.

        Motion to authorize Town Planner Noreen O’Toole to sit down with Mr. Wry of Land Planning and Mr. Junior to discuss remaining logistics that need to be ironed out with work to be completed as Land Planning recommends:  Joan DiLillo
        Second: Gordon Coyle
        Vote: 4-0
        Hawthorne Street residents Kenneth Mitchell and John Stack said that they were concerned with the potential for additional runoff when the road is paved.  The Board said that the water runoff from the paved roadway will go into the catch basins when the project has been completed.  The Board reviewed pictures of the site brought to the meeting by the residents. The residents said they thought the project should include more catch basins.  Mr. Junior said there is currently a water problem on the street but the work he is doing will not exacerbate the problem. Member Gerard LeBlanc said he was concerned with the proposal that a berm be incorporated into the plan stating it would create more runoff. Mr. Junior agreed with Mr. LeBlanc regarding berms at the start of the roadway but said berms at the end would help channel water into the catch basins.


        Motion to Adjourn: Joan DiLillo
        Second: Gerard LeBlanc
        Vote: 4-0